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Twelve Angry Men ​

Word count
600 words
Reading time
4 minutes

Vocabulary ​

[!abstract]- Acquit
To find the defendant innocent

[!abstract]- Circumstantial evidence
Evidence that relies on an inference to connect it to a conclusion of fact

[!abstract]- Convict
To find the defendant guilty of the crime

[!abstract]- Cross-examine
To question a witness by an opposing council

[!abstract]- Defense council
The lawyer who represents the defendant and tries to prove innocence

[!abstract]- Deliberate
To consider or discuss carefully

[!abstract]- Direct evidence
Evidence that supports the truth of an assertion; is a direct proof of a fact

[!abstract]- Double jeopardy
A fundamental principle of law that states that a person cannot be tried twice for the same crime

[!abstract]- Foreman
A juror chosen to lead a jury and deliver the verdict to the judge

[!abstract]- Homicide
The killing of one person by another

[!abstract]- Hung jury
Lack of agreement among jurors when instructed that an unanimous decision is required

[!abstract]- Innocent until proven guilty
A fundamental principle of law that means the state must prove guilt; the suspect does not have to prove innocence

[!abstract]- Premeditated
Planned or plotted in advance

[!abstract]- Prosecutor
The district attorney who tries to prove the guilt of the defendant

[!abstract]- Reasonable doubt
An element in law that states that if some uncertainty exists, a juror must vote to acquit

[!abstract]- The Fifth Amendment
A fundamental principle of law that states that a person cannot be forced to testify against him or herself in a court of law

[!abstract]- Verdict
The final decision made by the jury

Characters ​

Foreman ​

2nd juror ​

  • Nervous

3nd juror ​

Runs a messenger service

  • Has a son
  • Brutal & apathetic
  • Emotional

4th juror ​


  • Serious

5th juror ​

Nurse at a hospital

  • Lived in a slum all his life

6th juror ​

House painter

  • Dislikes the 3rd juror
  • Menacing

7th juror ​

  • Annoyed
  • Apathetic
  • Gay for Modjelewski

8th juror ​


  • Has two kids
  • Tormented by the possibility of acquitting the accused when he's guilty

9th juror ​

Old man

  • Empathetic
  • Respectful

10th juror ​

  • Has cold
  • Maybe ignorant
  • Impatient

11th juror ​

German watchmaker

12th juror ​

Works at an ad agency

  • Interested

Resume ​

Incomplete and will never be completed

Act I ​

The judge gives the final instruction. The jurors enter the jury room. After some small talk, they sit down and make a preliminary vote. All jurors except the eighth vote guilty. The foreman decides to go in order of jury numbers. The 3rd juror talks about the first witness (old man). The 10th juror talks about the second witness (woman). The 4th juror analyses the timeline of the murder and argues the rarity of the switchblade knife used in murder. The 8th juror pulls out an identical knife and surprises everyone. He then calls the other eleven for an anonymous vote. Someone voted not guilty. The 3rd juror suspects the 5th juror and angers him. The 9thjuror explains he voted not guilty out of respect for the 8th juror. A few jurors use the lavatory, then they cross-examine the witness of the old man.

