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Protein ​

Word count
188 words
Reading time
2 minutes

Polymer consisting of one or more polypeptides

Formed by dehydration

3D under normal conditions

[!abstract] Globular
(Of a protein) spherical

[!abstract] Denaturation / renaturation
Denaturation: loss of 3D structure at high temperature or extreme pH
Renaturation: regain of 3D structure at low temperature or normal pH

Types ​

Grouped by function

Hormonal ​

Coordination of the organism's activities

[!example] Insulin: regulate blood sugar

Receptor ​

Response to chemical stimuli

[!example] Receptors in the membrane of a nerve cell detect signalling molecules from other nerve cells.

Enzymatic ​


[!example] Digestive enzymes catalyst the hydrolysis of polysaccharides.

Defensive ​

Protection against disease

[!example] Antibodies inactivate and help destroy viruses and bacteria.

Contractile and motor ​


[!example] Actin and myosin: contraction of muscles

Structural ​

Structural support


  • Keratin: protein of hair, horns and feathers
  • Silk fibre: cocoon and web
  • Collagen and elastin proteins: animal connective tissues

Storage ​

Storage of amino acids


  • Casein: protein of milk
  • Ovalbumin: protein of egg white

Transport ​

Transport of substances

[!example] Hemoglobin: iron-containing protein in blood that transports oxygen

