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Enzyme ​

Word count
248 words
Reading time
2 minutes

Biological catalyst
Protein or RNA

Hyper-specialized, unlike inorganic catalysts
Enzyme + substrates -> enzyme-substrate complex -> enzyme + products

[!abstract] Substrate
Substance on which an enzyme acts

[!abstract] Active site
Pocket or groove of an enzyme where the substrate binds via weak bonds such as H-bonds and ionic bonds

[!abstract] Induced fit
Change in the shape of an enzyme to fit the substrate

Mechanics ​

  • Ensures substrates collide in the correct orientation
  • Stresses bonds so that they break more easily
  • Changes local environment to favour the reaction, e.g. different pH
  • Active site side chains can participate directly in the reaction

Factors affecting reaction rate ​

  • Temperature
  • pH
  • Enzyme concentration
  • Cofactor concentration if required
  • Substrate concentration
  • Inhibitor type and concentration if present

Inhibition ​

[!abstract]+ Negative feedback inhibition
Mechanism where the final product inhibits one of its enzymes
Naturally maintains the amount of product at a certain level

Reversibility ​

  • Irreversible: inhibitor attaches by a covalent bond
    • Dangerous
    • [!example] Nerve gas, penicillin, some poisons

  • Reversible: inhibitor attaches by a weak bond
    • Important for regulating metabolism
    • [!example] ATP inhibits PFK, which slows down cellular respiration.

All biological inhibitors are reversible

Competitiveness ​

  • Competitive: binds to the active site
    • Competes with substrates => affected by substrate concentration
  • Non-competitive: binds somewhere else on the enzyme, causing it to change shape
    • Doesn't compete with substrates => unaffected by substrate concentration

