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Chromosome ​

Word count
131 words
Reading time
1 minute

Long, linear DNA molecule made of chromatin in cells
Contains 100-1000 genes

[!abstract] Chromatin
Material consisting of DNA + histone proteins

[!abstract] Sister chromatid
Each of the two identical copies of a chromosome after replication

[!abstract] Centromere
Middle section of a pair of chromatids that connects them together

[!abstract] Kinetochore
Protein located at the centromere

[!abstract] Homologous
(Of chromosomes) Similar in structure, but not identical

[!abstract] Diploid / haploid
Diploid: contains 2 sets of chromosomes, one from each parent
Haploid: contains 1 set of chromosomes


[!abstract] Diploid number / haploid number
Diploid number: number of chromosomes in a diploid cell of an organism, =2n
Haploid number: number of chromosomes in a haploid cell of an organism, =n

