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796 words
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5 minutes

Use to study the output of a function as the input(s) approach something (a number or infinity)

Of the form limxaf(x)=L
Read as:

  • f(x) has the limit L as x approaches a
  • L is the limit as x approaches a of f of x
  • L is the limit of f of x as x approaches a


The limit must be a number
When the limit is equal to , we say the limit diverges


By default, x can approach from either side
For left-side (x<a) / right-side (a<x) limit, superscript a with / +
Superscript the limit with / + depending on whether it is approached from the

[!example]+ Left-side limit
f(x) has the left-side limit M as x approaches a:

[!example]+ Right-side limit
f(x) has the left-side limit R as x approaches a:

+ Existence of a limit theorem

Otherwise, we say the limit D.N.E. (does not exist)

The limit is approached but never reached

Properties & theorems

  • limxak=k
  • limxax=a
  • limxakf(x)=klimxaf(x)=kL
  • limxa(f@g)(x)=limxaf(x)@limxag(x)=L@M, where @ is any of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division (when @ = division, M0)
  • limxafn(x)=(limxaf(x))n=Ln
  • limxasing(x)g(x)=1, where aR or a= and g(a)=0

Direct substitution property

If f(x) is a polynomial with x=a in its domain, then limxaf(x)=f(a)


For a generic limit limxaf(x):

  1. If evaluating a piecewise function at boundary of two pieces, the left and right limits need to be considered;
  2. Substitute a into f(x) using the direct substitution property. If the result is an indeterminate form, follow the steps below.

Indeterminate forms

Multiple ways to solve


For a limit limxaP(x)Q(x)
where P(x) and Q(x) are polynomials such that P(a)=Q(a)=0,

first rationalize the fraction.

Because it is always possible to factorize a polynomial equal to 0, we factorize P(x)Q(x) either:

  1. to (xa)P(x)(xa)Q(x) and cancel (xa), or
  2. with long division.

Now that it no longer contains the factor that makes it 0, we can solve the limit as usual.

For a limit limxP(x)Q(x) evaluating to ±,
there are three possible answers:

  1. 0 when deg(P)<deg(Q)
  2. ± when deg(P)>deg(Q)
  3. R when deg(P)=deg(Q)

99% of the time, forcefully factorize the dominant term.
Otherwise, rationalize.

[!example]- limxxx+1(12x23)76x+4x3
When x, limit = .
We factorize:


Since x, |x|=x.


  1. Factorize
  2. Combine
  3. Rationalize

[!example]- limt0(1tt+11t)
if t=0, limit = 1010.
Combining the two fractions gives limt01t+1tt+1.


Substituting 0 into t gives 12.

Limit at infinity

  1. Forcefully factorize dominant term
  2. Rationalize
  3. Combine

