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Hifumi's Study Notes📗Cegep 2General ChemistryScientific Writing

Scientific Writing ​

Word count
1271 words
Reading time
8 minutes

Sections ​

Abstract ​

Summary of the whole experiment

  • 100-300 words short paragraph
  • Written last
  • No citations


  1. Introduction (background or problem)
  2. Presentation of experiment & justification of purpose
  3. Method (description of methodology)
  4. Results
  5. Discussion (interpretation of results)


  1. Knuzzles are everyone’s favorite pet, but they are notoriously difficult to bring to full size in a domestic environment.
  2. In this experiment, we test one of the emerging commercial products (Treatment X) promoted to ==assist knuzzle growth==.
  3. In three separate trials, we applied Treatment X to five commercially bought knuzzles for a period of ten days, while maintaining a batch of five untreated knuzzles under otherwise identical conditions.
  4. Our results indicated that the growth of the treated group (10.1 ± 0.2 %) significantly exceeded that of the control group (1.2 ± 0.1 %).
  5. We conclude that Treatment X ==holds promise as a product favoring domestic knuzzle growth==.

Objective ​

Statement of the goal and opt. hypothesis of the experiment

[!example] The aim of this experiment ==was== to determine whether the application of Treatment X led to a significant increase in the rate of knuzzle growth.

Introduction ​

Outline of the background and the motivation of the experiment


  • Broad area of research
  • Relevant theory
  • Importance of the experiment to the field of research

With the ==growing popularity== of knuzzles as household pets, there are number of commercially-available products promoted to enhance knuzzle growth in a domestic environment. Treatment X, produced by Pharmaceutix Y, contains WU27, a complex polycarbonate known to increase the proliferation of basal knuzzle cells under laboratory conditions. The purpose of this experiment is to ==determine whether this product actively promotes the growth of knuzzles== in a natural, domestic environment.

Method ​

Description of how the experiment was carried out

  • Prefer passive voice
  • Sufficiently detailed so that the experiment can be reproduced


  1. Materials and opt. diagram of setup
  2. Preparation if it's not clear from materials
  3. Procedure
    • Single paragraph
    • Steps and justification
    • Parameters measured
    • Parameters calculated
    • Opt. parameter changed between trials
  4. ==Precautions==: step that goes beyond the standard use of the equipment


  1. A commercial supply of Treatment X, 30 adult knuzzles, aged 6 to 12 months, one dually separated transparent tank, and vernier callipers were used in the experiment.
  2. Thirty knuzzles were obtained by random selection from a local breeder.
  3. In each trial, ten knuzzles were randomly separated into two equally sized groups ==to avoid selection bias==. Each group was placed in one bin of the tank. The treated group was fed daily with Treatment X as a 10-g food supplement; the untreated (control) group was not. Each trial lasted ten days. The ==diameter of each knuzzle was measured== at the start of the trial and again at the end, using vernier callipers. The ==fractional growth was calculated== using Excel and a Python script was written to perform the statistical calculations. The trial was performed ==three times== as described above ==with different knuzzle populations==.
  4. The cubicle was rotated daily to balance environmental factors for each knuzzle group.

Results ​

Presentation of experimental data


  • Table & Figure
    • Raw data as table
  • Explanation of how uncertainties were calculated

[!example] Table 1. shows the diameter of the ten knuzzles (five untreated, five treated) before and after the ten-day period.

Analysis ​

Determination of the overall result of the experiment


  • Summary of result
    • Opt. statistical analysis
    • Calculation of relevant quantities, e.g. number of moles from volume data
  • Assessment of random uncertainty

The fractional growth over the three trials was 10.1 ==± 0.2 %== for the treated group, as opposed to 1.2 ==± 0.1 %== for the untreated group. The results thus demonstrated that the application of Treatment X ==led to significant knuzzle growth== enhancement over a ten-day period.

Discussion ​

Interpretation of the result

  • Use active voice


  • Assessment of the consistency of the result
    • Comparison with theory or hypothesis
  • Possible factors causing random or systematic uncertainty
    • Address any anomaly in the data
    • Ways to improve the method in a future study
  • Impact of results

We demonstrated that the application of Treatment X led to significant knuzzle growth enhancement over a ten-day period. This is consistent with both the manufacturer’s claim [Ref] and studies performed on isolated basal knuzzle cells [Ref].
In our study, it is possible that the separation of the treated and untreated groups may have presented alternative factors for preferential growth; notably, the treated knuzzles ==may have experienced a cooperative effect either influencing or inhibiting their mutual growth==. Hence, in future trials, all knuzzles could be separated during the trial period.
Our study therefore justifies future study on the effectiveness and safety of Treatment X as a domestic knuzzle food supplement.

Conclusion ​

Outline of the important results and how the objective was addressed

  • Short paragraph


  • Objective
  • Result that addresses the objective
  • Opt. whether the result supports the model or hypothesis in the objective

The purpose of this experiment was to determine whether the application of Treatment X led to a significant increase in the rate of knuzzle growth. The fractional growth over ten days was significantly greater for the group treated with Treatment X (10.1 ± 0.2 %) compared to the untreated group (1.2 ± 0.1 %). We conclude that Treatment X enhances knuzzle growth.

References ​

List of authoritative citations

  • All external facts must be referenced.

Language ​

  • ==Avoid excessive words==
    • e.g. After careful measurement, we found that the length of the rod was 12.3 cm. -> The length of the rod was 12.3 cm.
  • ==Precise==
    • e.g. We conclude that the rod was too short. -> We conclude that the rod’s length was less than the theoretical value.
    • e.g. suction tube -> pipette
  • Objective
  • Formal
  • Experiment in past tense
  • Judgement and ideas in present tense
  • Prefer reformulation with citation over quotation

Format ​

Title ​

  • Concise
  • Informative

Authors ​

  • Use full names

Affiliation ​

Place where the experiment was performed
Institute, City (Province), Country

Date ​

Month d, yyyy

  • Avoid numerical forms <= different interpretation

Table ​


  • Caption
    • Title
      • Repeat if placed at the top
    • Short description
    • Opt. source
  • Header
  • Data
  • ==Summary values==, e.g. average


Figure ​


  • Caption
    • Title
      • Repeat if placed at the top
      • Descriptive
        • ==No var1 vs. var2, var1 as a function of var2, etc.==
    • Short description
    • Opt. source
  • Data points
  • Opt. error bars
  • Axis labels
  • Legend


Equation ​

  • Numbered consecutively
    • Referred to as:
      • Eq. (x) inside a sentence
      • Equation (x) at the start of a sentence
  • First state the formula (without substitution)

For a right triangle, the Pythagorean theorem ==(Eq. 1)== can be used to calculate the hypotenuse length L given the lengths of the two perpendicular sides a and b.

L2=a2+b2 ==(1)==

==Equation 1== can therefore be used to calculate the length of the rod (L) from its measured vertical and horizontal projections (a=12cm and b=16cm):

L2=(122+162)cm2 ==(2)==
L2=400cm2 ==(3)==
L=20cm ==(4)==

